8.7% ABV
It's kind of funny, sometimes you get so wrapped up in all the exotic beers that are out there theses days - exotic hops from a far off land, various types of barrel aging, different types of sours, etc. Then you come across a bottle that is described as "German-style ale"... Sounds sort of pedestrian when compared to many of the descriptions for beer nowadays. Then you try it and it reminds you that sometimes the simplest things in life are great.
Shegöat from The Bruery (Placentia, CA) is just that. Understated goodness in a bottle. It pours out nice and dark brown with plenty of carbonation. The malt aroma and the banana were immediately apparent. It tasted just like it smelled and had great mouthfeel. Overall a great beer.
I also think it is pretty cool too that it comes from one of Patrick's original home brew recipes!