Thursday, January 24, 2013

Leffe: Blond

6.6% ABV

I've been hitting the West Coast IPA's pretty hard lately, so I thought it was time for some Belgian action.

Leffe Blond has been one of my favorites ever since visiting Belgium in 2005. I was so impressed that every bar served each beer in the correct matching glass. They really take it serious over there. It's pretty cool. As a result, I ended up with a Leffe glass in my luggage on the way home!

My buddy got me a 6-pack for Christmas and I saved one for this review (thanks Lloyd!). This beer has a very nice sweetness and you can pick up some great Belgian yeast characteristics. I think my favorite part is that it is just a clean tasting and refreshing beer that I could drink all day long.

I've only seen Leffe Blond and Leffe Brown here, but I noticed on their website that they have a couple others including a tripel, a strong ale, and a fruit beer. I look forward to making it back over there soon to try these other styles!

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